Understandably, many investors tend to want to keep their investments close to home - in sectors and companies they’re familiar with. While there are some benefits to this, it’s important not to neglect the benefits available from the larger global market.
Consider, for example, that Australia makes up only a little over 2% of the global investment market. If you invest exclusively in the Australian market, you’re exposing yourself to greater risk and missing a significant proportion of the potential investment return available to you.
Globally Diversified Assets
Asset allocation is generally regarded as one of the most important drivers of return variation. One of the core principles of asset allocation is that international assets should form part of your portfolio. It’s not enough to diversify only across different stocks, asset classes and themes; you should also consider diversifying across different global markets.
Australian shares certainly have some unique benefits. For many investors, the tax-effective dividends they pay are particularly attractive. However, these benefits need to be weighed against the potential risk of being over-exposed to a single market and the downside of missing a number of significant investment opportunities.
Key International Opportunities
Some of the most attractive investment opportunities are largely absent from the Australian market. The largest stocks on the ASX are heavily skewed towards banks, retail, and resource and energy companies. Internationally, some of the largest companies operate in the information technology, consumer staples and consumer discretionary sectors – sectors with limited representation on the ASX. Avoiding international assets prevents you from realising the opportunities presented by some of the biggest and most dynamic organisations in the world.
Deliberate Diversification
Make a point of understanding the benefits and costs of international investing. Owning assets directly is an option but is not always suitable for everybody. There are other options for achieving a globally-balanced portfolio for example managed funds, exchange traded funds and separately managed accounts. Your Morgan Stanley financial adviser can help you understand the principles of proper portfolio construction with multiple layers of diversification. Ask for recommendations regarding the most effective method of accessing international markets based on your personal circumstances.
All material on this website has been prepared by one or all of Morgan Stanley Australia Limited (ABN 67 003 734 576, AFSL 233742), Morgan Stanley Australia Securities Limited (ABN 55 078 652 276, AFSL 233741), a participant of the ASX Group and Chi-X Australia, Morgan Stanley Investment Management (Australia) Pty Limited (ABN 22 122 040 037, AFSL 314182) and/or Morgan Stanley Wealth Management Australia Pty Ltd. (ABN 19 009 145 555, AFSL 240813), a participant of the ASX Group (collectively “Morgan Stanley”), for informational purposes only and is not a solicitation of any offer to buy or sell any security or other financial instrument or to participate in any trading strategy. Unless otherwise stated, the material was not prepared by the Morgan Stanley Research Department and is not a research report as defined under ASIC guidance.
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Before entering into any transaction, you should ensure that you fully understand the terms of the transaction, relevant risk factors, the nature and extent of your risk of loss, as well as the legal, tax, and accounting consequences of the transaction. You should also carefully evaluate whether the transaction is appropriate for you in light of your experience, objectives, financial resources, and other relevant circumstances and whether you have the operational resources in place to monitor the associated risks and obligations over the term of the transaction. We recommend that you obtain financial as well as tax advice based on your own individual circumstances before making an investment decision.
Information contained in the material is based on data from multiple sources and Morgan Stanley makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of data from sources outside of Morgan Stanley. References to third parties contained herein should not be considered a solicitation on behalf of or an endorsement of those entities by Morgan Stanley. The opinions expressed by the author of an article written by a third party are solely his/her own and do not necessarily reflect those of Morgan Stanley. The information and data provided by any third party web site or publication is as of the date of the article when it was written and is subject to change without notice.